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News and Upcoming Events

Winter 2024 Quarterly Convening set for December 12

The Winter 2024 Quarterly Convening will focus on new research about shared micromobility. We will review the North American Bikeshare and Scootershare Association’s 5th Annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report. We’ll also discuss how enhancing the infrastructure for safe active travel can improve the usefulness of transit—and how integration of bicycles, e-bikes, and shared micromobility with public transit is crucial for expanding accessibility and encouraging multi-modal travel behaviors.

New webinar on December 5: A Design Framework—Mobility Hubs for Women & Caregivers

How do we design mobility hubs to support the travel patterns and priorities of women and caregivers? How are you designing a space and services that feel reliable? How are you making users feel like they are welcome and belong? How does a mobility hub enable people to meet their daily needs? Why is it important that we do? The international team of The Shared-use Mobility Center (USA) and Living Cities and Communities (Sweden) is excited to share their “Design Framework: Mobility Hubs for Women & Caregivers.” It aims to develop a network that breaks from the transit system that primarily supports the typical 9 a.m.–5 p.m. commute to downtown and consider all users and travelers.

The 5th Annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report now available

The North American Bikeshare & Scootershare Association (NABSA) has released its 2023 State of the Industry Report. The report demonstrates shared micromobility’s continued viability and strength as an important mode in the public transportation ecosystem, and shows an industry that continues to grow, mature, electrify, and gain efficiencies and effectiveness. In 2023, at least 172 million shared micromobility trips were taken in 421 cities across North America.

Eight communities selected for $1.2M in grants to address transportation insecurity

The Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity (MATI) Program has announced $1.2 million in grants to eight community demonstration projects across the US that aim to improve people’s mobility and access to daily needs. The selected projects will support groups impacted by transportation insecurity, such as caregivers, low-income families, second- and third-shift workers, older adults, and women. Projects begin in August and run through July 2025.

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